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1. NOx、Hg等多污染物协同治理与碳减排耦合技术.
2. 工业烟气中汞等重金属监测技术.
3. 重金属排放清单与物质流向研究
1. Li Guoliang, Wu Qingru, Wang Shuxiao*, and Liu K. Promoting SO2 Resistance of a CeO2(5)-WO3(9)/TiO2 Catalyst for Hg(0) Oxidation via Adjusting the Basicity and Acidity Sites Using a CuO Doping Method[J], Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(3): 1889-1897. IF: 7.864. (第一作者)

2. Li Guoliang, Wu Qingru, Wang Shuxiao *, Improving Flue Gas Mercury Removal in Waste Incinerators by Optimization of Carbon Injection Rate[J], Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(4): 1940-1945. IF: 7.864. (第一作者)

3. Li, Guoliang; Wang, Shuxiao; Wu, Qingru*; Li, Junhua; Chen, Zhen; Li, Junhua.; Wang, Fengyan; Han, Deming; Li, Zhijian; Tang, Y; Ouyang, Daiwei; Liu, Kaiyun, Mercury emission characteristics and mechanism in the raw mill system of cement clinker production. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 430, 128403. IF: 9.038. (第一作者)

4. Li Guoliang, Sen Shao, Shuxiao Wang. Flame synthesized nanoscale catalyst (CuCeWTi) with excellent Hg(0) oxidation activity and hydrothermal resistance[J], Journal of Hazard Material, 2020, 124427. IF: 9.038. (第一作者)

5. Li Guoliang, Shuxiao Wang*, Li, Zhijian, The influence of flue gas components and activated carbon injection on mercury capture of municipal solid waste incineration in China. Chemical Engineering Journal, 326, (2017), 561-569. IF: 10.652. (第一作者)

6. Li Guoliang, Shuxiao Wang*, Qingru Wu, Mechanism identification of temperature influence on mercury adsorption capacity of different halides modified bio-chars, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2017), 315, 251-261. IF: 10.652. (第一作者)

7. Li, Guoliang, Shuxiao Wang*, Fengyang Wang, Role of inherent active constituents on mercury adsorption capacity of chars from four solid wastes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 307 (2017) 544-552. IF: 10.652. (第一作者)

8. Li, Guoliang, Shuxiao Wang*, Qingru Wu, Mercury sorption study of halides modified bio-chars derived from cotton straw, Chemical Engineering Journal, 302 (2016) 305-313. IF: 10.652. (第一作者)

9. Li, Guoliang, Boxiong Shen* and Feng Lu, The mechanism of sulfur component in pyrolyzed char from waste tire on the elemental mercury removal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 273 (2015) 446-454. IF: 10.652. (第一作者)

10. Shen, Boxiong*, Guoliang Li, Fumei Wang, Elemental mercury removal by the modified bio-char from medicinal residues. Chemical Engineering Journal, 272 (2015) 28-37. IF: 10.652. (学生第一作者)

11. Li, Guoliang, Boxiong Shen*, Yongwang Li, Removal of element mercury by medicine residue derived biochars in presence of various gas compositions, Journal of Hazard Material, 298 (2015) 162-169. IF: 9.038, (第一作者)

12. Li, Guoliang, Boxiong Shen*, Yi Wang, Comparative study of element mercury removal by three bio-chars from various solid wastes, Fuel, 145 (2015) 189-195. IF: 5.578. (第一作者)

13. Li Guoliang, Shuxiao Wang*, Li Junhua, Exploration of reaction mechanism between acid gases and elemental mercury on the CeO2–WO3/TiO2 catalyst via in situ DRIFTS[J], Fuel, 239 (2019), 162-172. IF: 5.578. (第一作者)

14. Wang Fengyang,1 Li Guoliang1, Wang Shuxiao*, Modeling the heterogeneous oxidation of elemental mercury by chlorine in flue gas[J], Fuel, 2020, 262. IF: 5.578. (共同第一作者)

15. Li, Guoliang, Boxiong Shen*, Fukuan Li, Elemental mercury removal using biochar pyrolyzed from municipal solid waste, Fuel Processing Technology, 133 (2015) 43-50. IF: 4.982. (第一作者)

16. Li Guoliang, Wu Qingru*, Xu Liwen, A Review on Adsorption Technologies for Mercury Emission Control[J], Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2019, 103(1): 155-162. IF: 1.657. (第一作者)
1. 清华大学首批水木学者,清华大学,2019
2. 清华大学环境学院优秀毕业生,清华大学,2019
3. 威立雅奖学金,清华大学,2018
4. 钱易环境奖,清华大学,2017
5. 国家奖学金,清华大学,2017
6. 周集中-史小雅奖学金,清华大学,2016
7. 南开大学优秀毕业生,南开大学,2015
1. 抗硫性CeO2/载体@CuO核壳结构高效脱硝脱汞催化剂研发(博士后基金) 主持
2. 基于高能脉冲紫外技术的机舱及邮件消杀设备研发及应用(北京市科委项目)研究骨干
3. 固定污染源废气 汞的测定 冰浴吸收瓶采样/冷原子吸收分光光度法 (国家标准项目) 参与编写
4. 有色冶金大气多污染物全过程控制耦合技术与示范(国家重点研发项目) 研究骨干
5. 我国汞污染特征、环境过程及减排技术原理 (973项目) 研究骨干